The most important day of a loving couples life together is of course there wedding day. Couple things you should consider when choosing a photographer for your big day is. Charlie Brown Photography isn't just a wedding photographer being paid to show up and take photos, Its about personality and it is part of the selection process and should not be overlooked or discounted in any way. Wedding photographer’s personality can set the tone for your entire wedding day and your bridal party. Ultimately it can impact your wedding photography altogether. 

While price is always a factor when selecting a wedding photographer for your day, it shouldn't be the only thing that matters when it comes to booking your wedding photographer. We've heard so many nightmare stories from brides that went the less expensive or budget route and in the end regret it. your wedding day happens once in your life why worry about anything for that one special day and have the luxury of looking back on the great photos of memories and one of a kind captured moments to share with your kids years later before there wedding day.   

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